Movie Reviews
This is where I write about some of my favorite movies or movies I find interesting and fun
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A Night from HellAfter Hours is a neverending rollercoaster from start to finish of a man named Paul possibly having the worst night of his life all because he a 20 dollar bill went out the window of a cab. That one event leads to a chain reaction of other events, each stranger and more entangled than the last. The film never lets up and is always throwing some new problem at Paul to deal with, which often leads to some hilarious moments, whether that be having to run away from a mob led by a lady in an ice cream truck or stumbling into an underground punk night scene. All of this is furthered with the fact that throughout the film everything is in one way or another linked to each other, with even the 20 dollar bill from the start somehow falling back into the possession of Paul. It's a wild ride that of course Martin Scorsese can craft up and execute to perfection, with this possibly being my favorite film by him. |
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Getting out of Your ShellMarcel is a walking and talking shell that lives with his grandma (who is also a shell) inside a house that is run as an AirBNB. It is a very odd plot but somehow done amazingly. The whole film is shot as if it is a documentary of Marcel's life, with him showing off how he lives, how he gets around the house, and what he does for fun. But it turns out that Marcel and his grandma used to not be the only ones of his kind, with there apparently being a whole community of other shell people that used to live in the house, but somehow disappeared after the used-to-be owners of the house got in a fight and split up. So now it is up to our documentarian and Marcel to find where they went and hopefully bring them back home. The film is very slice of life and kind of just goes with the flow with its cozy vibe, with it less worried about the overall story and more focusing on the character of Marcel and theme. But that does not mean there is not a lot of story going on, with there being lots of crumbs and hints to a larger picture. Overall it's a pure and peaceful film that puts a smile on anyone's face who watches. |
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Something Fuzzy is HappeningCreep is possibly one of the most realistic and down-to-earth found footage horror movies that I have seen, with it slowly and steadily crawling under your skin without you knowing. It starts off rather innocent with the premise being a man paying our cameraman 1000 dollars to just go around and record him for the day because the man is dying of cancer, leaving this recording for his future son. But more and more throughout the day things do not seem as innocent, with the man seeming to forget details about his son and wife, scaring our cameraman multiple times, and saying increasingly strange things. Things keep getting stranger and the man keeps getting caught in lies and weird actions, that put off the cameraman. All of this keeps escalating more and more, beyond comprehension, until it just ends in an abrupt twist that is a shock to the core. |